For the very first time, the BRAVE NEW MEDIA FORUMgathered young content creators from the Western Balkan countries to exchange experiences and meet their colleagues and peers, on November 30, 2017, in Belgrade, Serbia, at the Duško Radović Children’s Theatre.
Back then, the one-day event presented several successful formats for children and young people created in the Balkan. In addition, BNMF welcomed a few media professionals from Germany (ZDF, Funk, Bento), who also introduced some best practice examples.
The panel discussions addressed topics such as how to create successful formats for young audiences (children and youth), the role of social media and how to make it work for traditional media outlets.
Other media platforms and organizations participating in the 2017 Brave New Media Forum: Zabavnik, RTK, Radio Beograd, Južne vesti, Vice, Megafon, BHRT, Oradio, RTV, BalkanTubeFest, Yasserstein, KOMS, VR Labs.